This gorgeous mix has been custom created to give the fullest coverage possible! It is a blend of metallic silver, pink, and teal glitter in various sizes and completely safe for cosmetic use.
Color: silver, pink, teal
Material: cellulose
Size: mix of .008, .015, .040, and .094 hex
How to use: You can use a variety of adhesives to adhere the glitter to your skin. We have packaged organic aloe vera in a wand tube for easy application. This can be purchased on our website. Other adhesives you can use at home include makeup primer, eyelash glue, Vaseline, or olive oil. To remove, wash off as your normally would the adhesive. It is completely safe to wash down the drain.
Our biodegradable glitter mixes are made with the only glitter in the world that is certified biodegradable in the natural ecosystem. Made with cellulose from eucalyptus plants, our glitter degrades 92% in 30 days while in a natural ecosystem.